Nazi Blonde Hair Blue Eyes

These are both recessive genes.
Nazi blonde hair blue eyes. 1 the concept derives from the notion that the original speakers of the indo european languages and their descendants up to the present day constitute a distinctive race or subrace of the caucasian race. These are both. Asked in history politics society germany in ww2 who did the. Why was the nazi aryan race blonde hair and blue eyes reinforced even though hitler had black hair and eyes.
It had to do with ancestry and if your lineage could be traced back to a hypothesized ancient group of people from iran india called the aryans that the germans believed were the original master race that founded all major civilizations. He liked the angelic look of the aryan causasians. Also the blonde hair blue eyes thing was not really the major factor. It is a common misconception that the nazis considered blond hair and blue eyes to be racial characteristics of the aryan race.
Although adolf hitler claimed the germans were of a superior aryan race of white tall blonde hair blue eyed individuals he himself was of modest height blue eyed and brown haired. And since he didn t like anyone else. Hitler had the idea that the superior genetics were ones with blue eyes and blonde hair. If you have blue eyes and blonde hair conceiving a baby with someone who also has blue eyes and blonde hair will provide the greatest likelihood.
The blond hairs blue eyes thing is actually a gross simplification of the racial policies of nazi germany. It s confusing and not really based in reality so yeah. They were mainly obsessed with blood purity and japanese were seen as vastly superior to the slavs despite not having blond hairs. The aryan race is a historical race concept which emerged in the period of the late 19th century and mid 20th century to describe people of indo european heritage as a racial grouping.
Traudl junge his last secretary often told in interviews that people were amazed about hitler s blue eyes. In reality the nazis considered facial features such as an angular jaw a narrow nose high cheek bones etc and doliocephalic round skull shapes to be. Most of the.